701 - x299西- sac -树顶
随机- ws - 701 x299树
bridgeway -湖泊- 701 x299

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树木增加了城市的自然美, 维持物业价值的长期潜在增长. They are dynamic ecosystems that provide critical benefits to people and wildlife. 城市森林有助于过滤空气和水, 控制暴雨水, 节约能源, 并为动物提供栖息地和树荫. 它们为城市设计增添了美感、形式和结构. 通过减少噪音, increasing oxygen output of the area to combat air pollution, 并提供娱乐场所, 城市森林增强了社会凝聚力, 促进社区振兴, 并为海洋之神官方网站的社区增加经济价值.

It is important to preserve and grow our urban forests to help enhance and protect our community for generations to come.



为了促进公众健康, 保障城市的安全和公众福利, the 市议会 found it necessary to enact regulations governing the removal and preservation of certain trees on private and public property within the City in addition to the planting and maintenance of street trees within new and already established developments.

西萨克拉门托市有一个 树条例 in place to protect our urban forest from practices that serve to permanently damage or remove trees without proper cause, especially those trees classified as Landmark or Heritage 树.

Permits are required if you desire to modify or remove a tree that is protected or managed by the city. Mitigation is required if desiring to remove a heritage tree through the planting of additional trees or paying an in leu fee.

Please see the Tree Permit and 树条例 for details on trees requiring permits and/or mitigation.

 如果您不确定是否需要 林木许可证申请; please refer to the tree permit  then give us a call with any further questions at (916) 617-4620.


  • 遗产树: 周长大于75英寸(CBH)
  • 橡树: 周长大于50英寸(CBH)
  • 街道树: 12以内的树.离路边5英尺




The 西萨克拉门托市 sponsors a shade tree program in which the City supplies shade trees and stakes to City residents to help improve the urban forest and tree canopy within the City. 可以找到一份现成树木的清单 在这里.

居民每年最多可以申请两棵遮荫树. 每年两次送树, once in the end of April in conjunction with Arbor Day celebrations, 第二次是在九月底. The cut-off dates for orders are a month prior to delivery (end of March for the April delivery, 8月底交货,9月交货).

To request a free shade tree for your West Sacramento residence, please send an email to David at treepermits@vrps.net. 主题:“遮荫树请求”. 请写上你的名字, 要求的地址及品种, 或者如果需要的话, 海洋之神官方网站可以帮你推荐一些物种.

A single tree staking system will be provided with every tree every tree delivered to residents for planting in their own yards. Watch the following video to learn more about these stakes and how their proper use: 单树桩系统.

请参阅以下指南的提示 如何种植和照顾你的树木 以及 如何修剪你的小树 为适当的结构和形式. We support the planting of 5 million new trees in our region by the year 2025.



